A Conversation with John Hawley ’79 Describe your current job. I work in a three-lawyer general practice firm with offices located in Random Lake and Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I enjoy the variety of a general practice. …
The Last Word
The Last Word: Marsha Mansfield ’84
DIRECTOR OF THE ECONOMIC JUSTICE INSTITUTE, UW LAW SCHOOL Describe your current job. I am a clinical professor at UW Law School and the director of the Economic Justice Institute (EJI), home to the school’s …
The Last Word: Nicholas Zeppos ’79
Chancellor, Vanderbilt University Describe your current job. I have often said the definition of a great chancellor is a dilettante masquerading as a polymath. Like most academic research universities, Vanderbilt is a multilayered, complex organization. …
The Last Word: Fran Ulmer ’72
Interview compiled and edited by Karen Koethe Chair of the US Arctic Research Commission Describe your current job. In 2011, President Obama appointed me chair of the US Arctic Research Commission. The commission is an independent …