Dear friends, welcome to another exciting edition of UW Law’s Gargoyle magazine.
Dean’s View
Dean’s View
Welcome to another exciting issue of our Gargoyle magazine! We’ve got some especially fascinating stories to share with you in this edition.
Dean’s View
Hello dear friends, and welcome to another exciting issue of University of Wisconsin Law School’s Gargoyle magazine! We’ve got some especially inspiring stories to share with you in this edition.
Dean’s View – Spring 2023
Welcome to another exciting edition of our Gargoyle magazine. We’ve got so many gems in this edition, and I can’t wait for you to read about all the wonderful ways University of Wisconsin Law School is shaping narratives.
Dean’s View – Summer 2022
Dear Friends, By the time you read this, I’ll have been dean of this great Law School for just over two years. Although we’ve faced more than our share of challenges, the past year was an absolute joy, because we were able to return to in-person teaching and learning.
Dean’s View – Winter 2021
Dear UW Law Graduates, As this issue goes to press, we are nearly two years into the pandemic, and I’m now in the middle of my second year as dean of UW Law. We are very fortunate to have a return to something like normalcy in the fall semester.
Dean’s View: Daniel P. Tokaji
Dear Friends, As I sit down to write my first column for the Gargoyle alumni magazine, I’m just over a half year into my tenure as dean of this great law school. And what a year it has been so far!
Dean’s View
What a pivotal moment we are at as a nation. The COVID-19 pandemic changed all of our lives in an instant. The horrific killing of George Floyd, along with so many other Black men and women who have lost their lives to police brutality, has highlighted systemic racism, and has rallied Americans to join the movement for racial justice.
Dean’s View
Dear friends, I’m honored to share this special issue of the Gargoyle, which commemorates the 150th anniversary of the University of Wisconsin Law School.
Dean’s View
Our Law School transforms lives. I say that all the time, as I travel around the country and meet our alumni, talk with prospective students, and engage with my partners here on campus. But it’s …