We wish to express our sincere gratitude to those who make our work of transforming lives through legal education possible. The following list recognizes friends and alumni who have included UW Law School in their estate plans. If we have made any errors in this list, please accept our apology and contact Eric Salisbury at eric.salisbury@supportuw.org.
- Thomas ’56 and Jill Barland
- David* ’52 and Natalie Beckwith
- Darrell ’88 and Michelle ’88 Behnke
- Hugh ’66 and Joyce Bell
- Julian ’48 and Joan Berman
- Philip Bloedorn ’70
- Mark Bonady ’73
- Burneatta Bridge ’82
- Robert Buesing ’77
- Glenn ’49 and Dolores Coates
- Richard Eager ’50
- Stanley Feinstein
- Sheldon ’54 and Nellie Fink
- Ted Finman
- Bill ’78 and Ellen Fisher
- Matthew ’75 and Mary Etter Flynn
- Robert* ’49 and Nancy Froehlke
- Bruce Gillman ’58
- Kathleen Grant ’79
- John ’82 and Laura ’82 Hale
- James ’57 and Elaine Halls
- David Hanson ’68 and Linda Bochert ’74
- Lawrence Henze ’88
- Philip ’93 and Nicole Jennings
- O. K. Johnson, Jr. ’55
- Keith ’65 and Barbara Johnston
- Michael Klug ’84
- Thaddeus ’58 and Nancy Kryshak
- Richard Lehmann ’68
- Felice Levin
- Joseph Liegl ’73
- Jacqueline* ’83 and Stewart Macaulay
- John ’68 and Temmy Mahoney
- Valerie ’74 and Kent Mannis
- Marygold ’50 and Joseph* ’50 Melli
- Alphonsus C. Murphy ’61 and Katherine C. Murphy (daughter)
- Roland Nehring ’57
- Milton ’55 and Nancy Neshek
- Frank* ’48 and Mary Nikolay
- Denise ’83 and David Ofria
- Ben ’66 and Lee Porter
- Stephen* ’66 and Susan Porter
- Walter Raushenbush ’53
- Michael ’67 and Susan “Holly” Reiter
- William ’57 and Gretchen Rieser
- Anthony Rood ’51
- Allen ’65 and Vicki Samson
- Cynthia G. Schneider ’72
- Thomas Sobota ’64
- Nancy Splain ’77
- Cody Splitt ’49
- George ’58 and Gesella Stephan
- Donald ’63 and Dorothy Stone
- Thomas Taylor ’82
- Dolores Thimke ’55
- Ray* ’51 and Marion Tomlinson
- Donald ’60 and Peggy Ugent
- Mark ’68 and Cynthia Ulevich
- John* ’47 and Sallie Vergeront
- K. Gus Vlahadamis ’92 and Gail Grieger
- John ’80 and Bella Wagner
- Cheryl Rosen Weston ’71
- Bradford ’71 and Katherine Wilcox
- Virginia Wolfe ’71
- Warren ’73 and Elizabeth Wood
Years denote those who hold degrees from UW Law School.
* Deceased