On separating church and state
“Sing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ or do something else to make it a grand occasion. Don’t appropriate religion for that purpose. Keep religion separate and special, and have the sphere of government be religion free so that everyone feels equally included. I think that is the American tradition.”
Ann Althouse,Wisconsin State Journal
On Wisconsin’s John Doe investigation
“The most common description of [a John Doe investigation] is, it’s just like a grand jury except no jury. It’s a secret proceeding [in which] you can require people to give testimony and, as I say, therefore obtain information that you might not be able to get with just voluntary cooperation.”
David Schultz,Talking Points Memo
On two-year legal education
“Remember: one critique of law school is that it’s too expensive, but another is that it doesn’t include enough practice-oriented skills training. If we applied the current minimum diploma privilege rules to a two-year curriculum, students would not have the opportunity to take skills courses.” Dean Margaret Raymond, Wisbar Inside Track
On exoneration
“There is nothing like the feeling of walking someone out of prison who didn’t commit the crime and spent years in prison for something they didn’t do.”
Byron Lichstein, Badger Herald
On casino consensus among tribes
“It’s not Walker’s role to broach a consensus between tribes which, as sovereign nations, have historically dealt directly with the federal government.”
Richard Monette, Wisconsin State Journal
On Taiwan and globalization
“The government has to be very, very careful about the globalization going toward China, because China is going to do what is in China’s self-interest, and that self-interest does not include Taiwan.”
Charles Irish, Taipei Times
On health-insurance exchanges
“Without the shared planning and the cooperation of the state government, it’s much harder for them to be ready to implement this complicated law.” Rachel Grob, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
On police discretion
“Wise exercise of discretion by the police … arguably the glue that keeps our democracy strong.”
Michael Scott, Wisconsin State Journal
On deterring underage drinking
“We’ve discovered that the best way, the evidence-based way, to prevent and reduce underage drinking is a program of alcohol age-compliance checks like they have in Alaska.”
Julia Sherman, Wisconsin Public Radio