Chancellor, Vanderbilt University Describe your current job. I have often said the definition of a great chancellor is a dilettante masquerading as a polymath. Like most academic research universities, Vanderbilt is a multilayered, complex organization. …
Fall 2015
Everett Mitchell ’10: Building the Beloved Community
After completing his bachelor’s degree at Morehouse College, the all-male, historically black liberal arts school in Atlanta, Everett Mitchell considered staying in the South. Then he read a speech by the late Reverend Martin Luther …
Same-Sex Marriage and the Future of the LGBT Movement
Add Obergefell v. Hodges to the roster of historic US Supreme Court cases that current and future University of Wisconsin Law School students will dissect as they study the SupremeCourt and civil rights. The 5–4 …
After the Shooting: UW Law Students Help Community Heal
Aissa Olivarez first absorbed the Tony Robinson news after she had settled her baby girl back down after her regular 4 a.m. feeding. In the dim, morning hours of March 6, 2015, as she was …