Overheard: UW Law in the news

On what’s missing from the national conversation on freezing eggs

Alta Charo“Women are now using technology to try to make themselves seem as much like man as possible, so that they can have their children later after they have laid the groundwork for their career. It is absolutely true this is giving women options, and it’s making it economically feasible. And it’s probably the most realistic thing for some women. But it is a shame that we haven’t started a better conversation, not only about the fixes like the day care that was mentioned, but a deeper conversation about how to reorganize the work world, so you don’t need to be a superwoman at work and a superwoman at home at the same time. That’s never been realistic.”
Alta Charo, PBS NewsHours

On Apple erasing non-iTunes purchases from users’ libraries

“There may be a deceptive business practice or unfair business practice involved. If consumers entered into the transaction thinking they could buy music anywhere and couldn’t, that would be a violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act for an unfair business practice.”
Shubha Ghosh, E-Commerce Times

On the roots of Muslim objection to image-making in light of the Charlie Hebdo attacks

“There is strong Muslim cultural discomfort with images of any divinely connected creatures; these would include any of the prophets, as well as God and the angels. This is strongly linked to Muslim disapproval of idol worship, and the concern that the existence of these images will lead to worship of something other than God — the supreme act of disbelief for any Muslim. Even if you believe this is punishable, it’s not something that vigilantes should do. That’s universal across Islamic law.”
Asifa Quraishi-Landes, New York Times

On prosecuting CIA torture suspects

“International law obligations are being overlooked, and the United States has an obligation under the Geneva Conventions, under the conventions against torture, to act. Potentially, there’s criminal liability for the upper echelons of the Bush administration. We have to decide whether there’ll be prosecution. There’s also a responsibility to prosecute under international laws of torture, or to extradite for prosecution those people who have liability for the crime of torture.”
Alexandra Huneeus, Channel 3000